It is Saturday, March 25th, 2023, and the time is precisely 7:35 PM. I am beginning to write this text, and I estimate that it will take me approximately 47 minutes to complete.
On Tuesday, March 21st, 2023, I woke up at 4:50 AM. I had a meeting with a company in Saint-Hyacinthe to support them with their grandiose ideas. It seems that the rational side of my brain interests them! After the meeting, I returned to my condo in Brossard to spend some time with my sweetheart before she dropped me off at the train station for my departure to Toronto. An intensive four-day training, led by @davidlawrence, was awaiting me there. I met David for the first time in Dallas, and then invested to participate in a 3-day internship with him.
David Lawrence owns MECA (Michigan Elite Coaching for Athletes)
The investment in terms of time and money is considerable. Being away from my soulmate and clients for five days is quite a challenge emotionally! It also requires considerable adaptability because all our landmarks are completely shaken up. Economically speaking, I believe that a training like this represents an investment of around $4,000 in total. Therefore, I will not reveal all the tools and knowledge that I have uncovered during this seminar. However, I will talk to you about an element that is often forgotten but has immense value from my perspective.
The value of human connections
Connection 1
It all started on the VIA Rail train on my way to Toronto. The woman who was sitting in the seat next to me had worked her entire life in a casino and she shared several stories related to her job with me. It was really interesting! During the 5.5 hour trip, I finally told her about CLRNGY and what I do with people. She was greatly interested in collagen peptides because she suffers from intense wrist pain due to a skiing accident. She will contact me when she returns to Quebec.
Connection 2
When I arrived in Toronto, I used Uber services to get to the room I had rented. I was greeted at my hotel by people from India. They were very courteous and it certainly added to my journey.
Connection 3
On the first day of training, I was fortunate enough to reconnect with David Lawrence. I was able to perceive his deep values simply through his presence, his words, and his aura. The entirety of the values he espouses can be found in each of his statements. Additionally, I had the chance to discover passionate coaches who are eager to help others, just like me. Of course, I formed friendships with some of them. During the training sessions, we encouraged and motivated each other to maintain a positive energy in the gym.
Connection 4
As soon as I arrived in Toronto, I dropped off my belongings in my room and went out for a walk to add some movement to my day. During this first walk, I saw a small café called Plant Society. I found the name really beautiful and catchy. I then decided that this place would be my peaceful spot during lunchtime and also after training sessions. What a good choice! The café owner was simply wonderful. A generous and kind man. I was amazed by his ease of communication with his customers. Moreover, I had the chance to talk to several restaurant customers who were very interested in becoming clients of CLNRGY. Following our first conversations, they showed a lot of interest in what I was doing in life. I explained everything to them from A to Z and they added me on Instagram to follow my progress. They will be in touch with me soon. These connections would never have happened if I had decided to isolate myself in my room for the duration of my seminar. I would like to point out that the café owner generously offered to pay all my expenses today at his café. An act of kindness that deeply touched me and testifies to his appreciation towards me.
I am sharing these moments of my journey with you to make you realize the importance of connections between human beings on this planet. One of my mentors, Robert Rakowski, has been talking about this constantly for years. One of my future mentors (hopefully), Keegan Smith, also speaks about it frequently. Being able to relate to others is crucial for a human being. I may travel the world in search of the best knowledge there is, but what good would it do if I am unable to connect with people through my words or my way of being? Luckily, it's a quality I have possessed for a very long time. My father always told me that I had a certain gift for building relationships easily with people who cross my path. He wasn't wrong! Once again, I am leaving a seminar having made about ten human connections. Each one was remarkable and warm in its own way, and that, my friends, is worth so much more than $4,000.
P.s.: The more curious among you may be wondering why I estimated the time it would take me to write this text at the beginning of my article. In fact, I always try to maximize my time in life! By setting goals and time limits, I ensure that I remain productive and can accomplish everything that needs to be done in my day.
I was almost there... I wrote this text in about 1 hour.
From overcoming mental struggles to harnessing the power of Cellcore Biosciences supplements, my journey has evolved. Guiding clients towards better health, attending an educational event with CellCore, and embracing transformative lessons have deepened my commitment. Gratitude for the trust of those on this journey fuels my passion for continued growth and positive impact.
Although I have never practiced Ramadan, here is how I would proceed if I were to do so, based on my current socioeconomic and familial situation, in order to maximize the potential benefits associated with this practice:
Often, I hear people say, "To be healthy or physically fit, I absolutely have to join a gym!" I would like to take this opportunity to ask you the following question: is that really THE solution? Personally, I have a very different perspective.