Training to Networking

I am sharing these moments of my journey with you to make you realize the importance of connections between human beings on this planet.

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During Ramadan, Muslims must refrain from consuming both water and food from dawn until sunset. This creates a stress that leads to metabolic adaptations that I would describe as prehistoric.

Optimizing your overall health during Ramadan

Although I have never practiced Ramadan, here is how I would proceed if I were to do so, based on my current socioeconomic and familial situation, in order to maximize the potential benefits associated with this practice:

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Start by incorporating WORK IN style workouts. These are movement practices that are related to Yoga, CHI GONG, global stretching, impact-free pool training, etc.


Often, I hear people say, "To be healthy or physically fit, I absolutely have to join a gym!" I would like to take this opportunity to ask you the following question: is that really THE solution? Personally, I have a very different perspective.

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