Personal reflection on this incredible training weekend with CellCore Biosciences.


Personal reflection on this incredible training weekend with CellCore Biosciences.

The Mental Battle and the Discovery of Supplements

Pour ceux qui sont au courant de ce que j’ai vécu en 2022, vous savez que j’ai été très affecté mentalement pendant environ 9 mois et que cette période de ma vie a pratiquement mené à la fermeture de Mode de vie CLNRGY. Or, j’ai réussi à me battre et j’ai trouvé l’un des outils les plus puissants pour revitaliser mon organisme : les suppléments de Cellcore Biosciences.

The Power of Supplements and Client Guidance

I still consume the majority of their supplements daily, and I consistently guide my clientele towards this range of products simply because it works.

A Transformative Educational Experience with CellCore

May 20, 2023, I am coming out of a grand educational event with CellCore. Over three days, I attended presentations from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. with my friend and colleague John Constas. The quality of the information and the passion exhibited by each of the speakers were spectacular. Throughout Canada, only five individuals who incorporate CellCore into their practice were present at this event. Mr. Sachin Patel was among them. I am proud to be one of those who invested their time and attention in this quest for improving the health of our community.

Three Key Lessons for Health Evolution

Here are three elements that I have learned and which, in my view, will greatly shape the evolution of my practice as a health professional:

1. Toxicité Environnementale et Impact sur la Santé

We are immersed in an unprecedented sea of toxicity: glyphosate, pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, secondhand smoke, household products, and more. If you believe that this doesn't impact your energy production, metabolic health, or body composition, let me inform you that it's quite the opposite! When our fish is sick, we change the water in its tank. Let's do the same if we want to maximize our health.

2. L’Importance de la Matrice Extracellulaire

The extracellular matrix is perhaps one of the most overlooked factors in metabolic health. We focus greatly on what's happening within the cell, but what about the matrix in which all our cells bathe? Can stagnation lead to serious consequences like the proliferation of harmful bacteria or chronic inflammation? Optimizing the quality of this matrix through proper lymphatic movement is crucial. Promoting optimal hydration and using specific botanicals will now be part of my rationale to maximize my clients' results.

3. L’Authenticité dans la Communication et l’Engagement

Authenticity is irreplaceable. Each of the presenters who took the stage in front of the 900 clinicians was genuinely convinced of the information they shared, and they did so with their whole heart. In my opinion, this is the best way to connect with one's audience. Personally, I was deeply moved by some of the testimonials, and it encourages me to remain true in everything I do.

Gratitude and Appreciation towards the Community

In just 1 month, I will have been to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, to Boise in the U.S., and finally to Canmore in Alberta. I am incredibly grateful to be able to live these experiences. It's largely thanks to all the people who trust me for creating their workout plans, private training sessions, dietary guidance plans, and for purchasing supplements from Mode de vie CLNRGY that I can have such wonderful experiences.

Thank you for your interest and support.

I walk the walk – I talk the talk


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